Sunday, May 9, 2010

Are you taking it for granted?

gosh.. my heart just sank also immediately that i lose hope.

It will take time to heal.

Ask for all you want..

All my friends will tell u the answer.. believe or not.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

random thoughts

Today presentation. kinda nervous cause i didn't do presentation in front of class more than 1 month already. So.. i stared at the screen for 10sec.. LOL!!

Proud to say the presentation went well together with my team members.
Kaixin, Wenjie, Siling! Thanks alot. and i look forward for the upcoming projects to aim a "A"!! =)

Sad thing is... 3/4 of my class people were unhappy about my teacher, they claim that she was bias against our group. SHOUTED BIAS so many donkey times... =.="

Please lah.. Our team put in hard work and bloody timeless effort into the project and do the best we can... If you jealous or whatever shit, use work to prove la.. Only know how to use mouth and spread bad words.. -.-"

Worse thing is can spread to another class, telling them teacher like this group etc.. bias because didnt shoot them questions. while the rest of the teams all die under her hand because of the grade. ( VANNESA!!) mouth so big.. can't you just zipped it up!! HAO LIAN KIA!!

If you want to get good grades, please go and analysis the question deeply... BITCH!

GOODNESS Gracious..