Thursday, February 25, 2010


But my brain is occupied with all those new stuff that was taught in this semester! and worst of all is that, i couldn't understand some of the topic. Although she gone through it with us like a wind. yikes! i cannot fail this time round! I must prove what i got. But actions is bigger then words. HATE & LOVE EXAMS at the same time. sighs..

All this drilling! WO YAO REN!!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

23 Feb 2010

Yesterday night, i had a good sleep! Slept from 12am plus till 9.12am! Lesson at 10am. yawns...
I was dreaming about something, but it was clear and fresh in my brain. hahas.. Maybe continue Part 2 tonight.

Today lesson from 10am till 4pm. Ms Felina didnt came, so we had our own revision in class. Had fun playing with Kai Xin, Siling, loong Kiat, Aaron, Tony, Wen Jie, Yu Ji.. We were playing with the printed money paper notes and arron using the bottle as though he is playing baseball. lols..
Don't think i don't know who is aiming my head ahh..

Awhile later, Vannesa, Me, Li Yun started to clear the Banking Hall.. By sweeping the floor removing dirt from each corner of the room... Removing bottles, papers, wrappers from the tables.. Definitely not littered by my class people.. Although we eat, we make sure we do not leave the rubbish in a terrible mess which is meant for us to study. Unless some classes.. everything also push the blame to my class.. who will want to study in a dirty environment sia.. cowards.. but nvm, is they coward mahs.... hahhas.. :P

Chatted with eileen for awhile ytd in the later afternoon.. 4plus i suppose till 6plus? hahas.. didnt know she just finished her exam when i called her.. she told me that she went to the wrong examination hall.. hahas.. how come suddenly got so many guys take nursing exam meh.. hahas.. end up she was at the engineering examination hall. :P Funny sia. But anyway, wish you all the best for ur exam! :D

March 1, will be heading over to bishan ite to see see, explore the place...
So hopefully,i should be able to meet the girls for lunch.. yippeee..
By then should be most of the girls free from exam and attachments le bahs.. muhahahas...
Anyway most of your stay near bishan except ellen. :P Cya soon.. Im looking forward to it.

I wonder if there is any method to distress my brain cells. lols..
Okay, got to prepare for tmr mock test for WBS & SVE!

Exam on March 8,9,10.. STRESS!!! how i wish i have a memory stick to be insert into my brain.. Like that, i won't forget the answers.. hahas..

Thursday, February 18, 2010

title -less

How do i explain?
The path that i walked, i think of you immediately. After saying out, the feeling was so shiok! But sometimes as i recall about the actions that was done, it reflects back on me.
If i had done that
If i did that
If i did not, what would happen? hmmm...
It used to be very closed, suddenly it just disappear.
Maybe not disappear, but slowly its fading away.
I wished, it will continue the way it was last time.
I read through the messages and it felt so great that someone is actually showing concern to what im talking. Be it that im bored, sian, sad, happy, angry. I will just sms the person immediately. I know that somehow, somewhat, you will reply my msg no matter how packed the day it was for you guys.
I must admit, there was a pinch of jealousy! hahas. silly thoughts of mine.
But i know, the pace will slowly move down and hope that we will get back to the friendship we had! although it was only a short while.

When i see you, i don't blush, my heartbeat doesn't beat fast. just normal
Liked i mention to my girls before, how thick exactly is my skin? lols..
Ytd night i chat with elieen. Dig out my past story.. interesting and i can't believe that im so bold enough to be so direct to the person. hahas. thumbs up for myself. :P

Qtn is, what is the different between CRUSH n LIKE n ADMIRER?
Ans: crush isit like so obese with the person.
Ans: like isit just normal to like a person.
Ans: admirer isit just like the person character?

Maintain the friendship i have, because i will remember them for life! ^^
I want to be your friend. Can i? I hope so..