Thursday, February 18, 2010

title -less

How do i explain?
The path that i walked, i think of you immediately. After saying out, the feeling was so shiok! But sometimes as i recall about the actions that was done, it reflects back on me.
If i had done that
If i did that
If i did not, what would happen? hmmm...
It used to be very closed, suddenly it just disappear.
Maybe not disappear, but slowly its fading away.
I wished, it will continue the way it was last time.
I read through the messages and it felt so great that someone is actually showing concern to what im talking. Be it that im bored, sian, sad, happy, angry. I will just sms the person immediately. I know that somehow, somewhat, you will reply my msg no matter how packed the day it was for you guys.
I must admit, there was a pinch of jealousy! hahas. silly thoughts of mine.
But i know, the pace will slowly move down and hope that we will get back to the friendship we had! although it was only a short while.

When i see you, i don't blush, my heartbeat doesn't beat fast. just normal
Liked i mention to my girls before, how thick exactly is my skin? lols..
Ytd night i chat with elieen. Dig out my past story.. interesting and i can't believe that im so bold enough to be so direct to the person. hahas. thumbs up for myself. :P

Qtn is, what is the different between CRUSH n LIKE n ADMIRER?
Ans: crush isit like so obese with the person.
Ans: like isit just normal to like a person.
Ans: admirer isit just like the person character?

Maintain the friendship i have, because i will remember them for life! ^^
I want to be your friend. Can i? I hope so..

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