Wednesday, April 7, 2010


1st april..

Let me start the story...
Woke up up at 10.15am..
Got out of house at 11:15am?
Reached AMK Hub at 12:05pm
Meet Aswin at 12:08pm?
Saw him drinking bubble tea, so i asked him to bring me to the bubble tea stall to get a drink too.. I ordered Green Apple Green Tea. While asking for a carrier from the person, i took a straw in my hand.
When she pass me the carrier.. i drop the straw. +.+ " ( lucky Aswin didnt saw it)
AFter that we went up to the 3rd level to see the time slot for other movies as well as waiting for the guys to come. show at 12.30, offically around 12.45 start.. Slow pokes guys... hahas
next time pass them walking sticks to hold.

Wait, waited, waiting, still waiting.. till 12.15 then Zhi lin arrive? can't rmb the timing..
After that chia hao called, but i didnt pay attention to my hp. lol.. P.S!
waited till 12.35.. booked 3 tickets for ourselves.

Ordered pop pop popcorns.. Alice's wonderland combo.

Pass Chia hao the nebo card, then Zhi lin, aswin n Me went in first.
We Watched the Clash of the Titans. hahas.. overall the graphic not bad..

After show.. head down to subway.. Guys ordered their cookies, meal.. while i stare into blank space for the whole period of time.

After eating, they went for pool session. i see them play for 30mins.. then i head off to bishan to meet elieen to watch " how to train a dragon" 4.10 till 5.55.

Went to her house till 7.45pm

Meet yuan xin at Sec sch bus stop. walked to J8 interchange.
Amazing for onces, he asked me to eat Zha Jiang Mian. ( korea dish name) but sadly it is not cooked in the korean style.
Noodle was chewy.. and the seasoning was alright.

Next is the MAIN FOCUS!
Yuan Xin went to ordered his Chicken chop from the the Western stall after i ordered my food back to the table.
While waiting for his food to arrive, i stare at my handphone and look else where in the area.
Yuan xin came back to the table and told me that his food will take around another 15 minutes and asked me to eat first instead of waiting for him.
So i took my few mouth of noodles... paused and thought that the noodle was alright.
Yuan xin on the other hand, was looking towards the right direction of our table. Not knowing still, i continued to look at my noodle. From my side glance, he was still looking at the other direction. so i turned my head.

OOMMMMGGG OMG!!!!! "in my mind, my jaw drop"
First look, Ms quek! Nvm..

And hor.. he purposely seat in the direction where i can see his whole view. Head to Toe with that SMILE on his face. WAKAO!
Ms Quek giving me that cheeky smile. lols..

Heehee.. MY Face AUTO BLUSHED! =)
Yuan xin totally turned off. *ops*...

Ting* Yuan xin can take his food le.
Paul lau on the other hand, use mouth and hand signal to exchange communication with ME. COOL MAN!! So funny but i liked it. heehee... Asked me isit BF.. so he look at yuan xin back view and slightly nodded his head.. lol..

He ordered the same dish as Yuan xin. :X

Okay.. i shall end here for PL topic.. BUT before i do so..


After that, took circle line to eat rochor soya bean. :D
Walked awhile after eating, then took taxi home.



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