Friday, March 5, 2010

stressed from studies.. pimple outbreaks.. gosh...
Im feeling hungry now. its 3.08am now. lols..
Mon , Tues, Wed TEST!! THURS IS HOLS!!! :D
now my stomach is grumbling..
I was browsing through my hp inbox the other day..
after looking through i realise that.. hey.. it has been quite sometime that i had not contact with some friends.. hahas.. and all for i know is that, on that very night they msg me. hahas..
chinese saying, xin you ling xin ah? hahas.. cool man.. :)
nothing to do.. unable to sleep. so we chat on the phone for 2hours i think? super long.. only when both of us are tired then hanged down the phone. lols.. Discuss about work.. wad to study.. etc... chit chat on recent things.. amazingly.. it started off well and ended off well. lols.. come to think back again.. i only knew for less then 3months. lols.. Im very pro i suppose..

Thursday more funny.. wanted to go off from school le so that can go see doctor and rest at home.. but I stayed back to give them tips on wad to study for bps.. before that, went to eat at canteen to have my lunch with the whole group of guys.. I ordered kang kong, fish cake, dau pok, lady finger and bee hoon. Returned back to the table.. got a cup of soya bean treated by marcus.. lol.. thanks... after that, I got no appetite i suppose, i only ate up all the ingredients and a few mouth of bee hoon.. looked as though it wad not touched at all. lols.. but i drank finish the cup of the soya bean.. :D

See jia wei eat mouth by mouth.. slowly... but cannot blame him.. its good to eat slowly also.. hahas.. slowly chew.. :) I liked the way they had the bond with each other, reminded me of my sec classmates.. awww...

ok la.. end here for now.. tmr still got to continue to study for my BPS, SVE & WBS!! :(

JIAYOU to myself.. yawns~~

Love myself :P

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